How to finance in a Good Roots project?
Chula Vista Homes captures/gathers clients that are property owners who are wanting to construct/build real estate projects. Chula Vista Homes proceeds to calculate the estimate in the project according to your cost and will communicate to the financial offices at your service. If the financial offices agree to participate in the project we will proceed to schedule a meeting between the builder and the financer to come to terms about the project’s finance and margins on both sides. Once an agreement has been made between builder and financer we will meet with the client to finalize the financial agreement. Once a client agrees we proceed to sign the contracts between all three parties involved. We, then, initiate the construction permits. The construction of the project will then begin and the financial offices will provide Chula Vista Homes with the tools necessary under estimation per construction level. Once the project has been finalized the client must cover all costs to the financial offices in agreed total. The financial offices will then hand the client the finished project and will give Chula Vista Homes the agreed economical reward.
How to finance in a Good Roots project?
If a client is interested in building but are not able to find a piece of land to build on, Chula Vista Homes will contact the financial offices and will deliver a description of the project desired to be built by the client. At the financial office’s discretion it will either deny this option or begin to find a piece of land. Chula Vista Homes will negotiate a price of the land and become in contact with the land owner and begin to discuss a potential buy. Chula Vista Home will contact the financial offices once more to reveal the cost of the project entirely. Once we have come to terms between constructor and financer we will present the client with the options and costs of the project in its whole. We will then set up a meeting between all parties and begin to sign construction contracts etc.